Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Music video!

Plans for the music video taking shape! Will be needing extras, couple commercial male dancers, break dancers and smart looking clubbers. This is the tune:

Open Mic

It`s getting close now. Brightons new electronic open mic is here! Sign up now, not many slots left. All info on :


Now you can also find my acapellas here:

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Been thinking about this a lot along the way. How do you find the balance between day job, doing your thing, working for free etc? I have been trying loads of different things and doing it all in different ways and I think I am finally finding my way of doing it all. A friend of mine said I should write a book some day about my way in the music business. Maybe?

It takes time and having clear goals is what I think!


My new soundcloud is for my tunes only:


Even more acapellas up now on: lets go!

Live in Camden @ Spotlight Sessions!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Hip Hop is still alive!

Sure some of the new stuff out there is good, I just still prefer the older sound. Liking this guy a lot!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Really wand to re-record this..

My session singer demo


Got some new dancehall inspiration thanks to this! :

Thank you!

Guest class for Street Funk Brighton

Dancehall, Jazz and Hip Hop classes with a twist by Sanna Hartfield in Brighton 2

Dancehall, Jazz and Hip Hop classes with a twist by Sanna Hartfield in Brighton

New remix up

Once again an amazing remix has been sent to me, check this producer out! :

Even more acapellas up now

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Question of the day

How many friends do you have?

A thought

I`m sitting here (as always when I am on my PC) with about 5-6 tabs in one firefox window. Flicking back and forth between fb,soundcloud,gmail,blog,twitter etc. Does it make me stressed and make me not focus on one thing? I used to think so. Then I had a very interesting talk with my mom the other day. She said: "maybe that's the new life style, and kids have to learn how to do that kind of thing early on to survive in to days community"..? Hmm maybe, something to think about.

Dubstep was born in Croyden uk and just grows and grows...

This is one of my personal favourites:

Teaching in London this Saturday!

Our dark side

I love how I can express and explore my dark sides without hurting anyone. I hope everyone more or less has an artist inside them and get to do that!


If you like the music of the film Amelie, check this!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Like dance?

FREE dance classes with me tomorrow!

Want to dance and want to try before you buy? I am dance teacher Sanna Hartfield and have been teaching for 10 years in the UK and Sweden. The venue I am at on Wednesdays in Brighton/Hove are having open house weekend 10-11th of June. The Happy Cell, 121-123 Davigdor road, Hove BN31RA

My classes are House fusion 12.30(30minutes) and Dance fusion 14.30(30minutes)
House fusion is House fused with all sorts of styles. In the Dance fusion we experiment with different styles and music every week. This also means you can pop in when ever you like. We develop the class together and as a student you can take as much part as you wish or just come to the class and do your thing. Very relaxed fun classes in other words!

For even more info or any questions at all:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Question from me

I was thinking and I really hope you will comment on this. What would you like to reed about the people you follow? 

Many thanks,


Bonus acapella

Will let this one be a download for a while, hope you like:


I love fancy dress!!

Some time ago...

Party at our old house in Brighton!


Loved the real long braids I had, hm wonder if it is less expensive in the UK....
By the way, guess my age in this picture.

Couple of old singing memories

Big band in Stockholm: 

Musical theatre group in Sweden:

It started early..

Finally more db


Thanks to Tony Lombardo I got this whole page in Italian if magazine, check it out!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Electronic music

I think its amazing how electronic music can make you feel things. Check this out!:


How amazing does this sound and look!? I'm dying to try it myself as I once did flamenco and just loved it!!

Up and coming producer..


Check this guy out. One of my new favourites!


Hm how can I put this so I don't sound like a Diva...? I'm sure very many labels are doing a great job AND in my own experience signing tunes I only got one thing out of it so far: Wait. 
My sweet boyfriend have listened to me rant many many times, so we thought why not start our own one?! I have been thinking about it for a while and didn't know how to start. He found a great way and our first release will be out soon! 

It`s here!!

They say that good things take time and I agree more than ever! Some time ago I had a bassline mix competition, and the very good DJ RCrecords won. His DJ mix is now here!! Enjoy:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

How dark can lyrics be..?

I asked the question on my facebook wall and got the response: "take it as far as you feel". Why does it feel so wrong in one way? There are so many horror films out there... Yet I feel a bit weird singing about dark stuff and still I want to express that side of me... Hmm. Well here is one example of my dark side:

Dance show in Brighton!

Check this out. A very dear friend of mine is putting on this show in Brighton:

krusbar jam!

Check this out. The first mad tags are up now. Download and use for your phone:


The date for our first open mic is now confirmed and it will be a Halloween special in Brighton. I can picture it... We will all look mad and play crazy electronic music. Wicked!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

More UK

Another favourite is of course

UK Garage

For some time now I have been trying to find a producer to make 2-step/UK Garage with and almost everyone has said: "nahh man its out, too old.." etc
 More and more I`m now finding tunes, mixes etc. Check out this DJ for one example.
Another DJ told me he put a mix together just for fun. Someone else said its no use producing such an old style...

They cant deny it anymore, everyone wants it back!


The trip to Sweden was awesome! Got to see my lovely family and show Dave where I have come from. Heard they just got some more snow in Stockholm... good timing ye?! We sat in "Kungsan" in t-shirts drinking bear!


 Cool tube artwork

 Debaser Slussen

Debaser Slussen

Södermalm Sofia



Follow me on twitter: sannahartfield

Amazing deep house!

Dance blogger

I have so good friends helping me all the time. Lisa just found this blog for dancers. Thank you!!

How I love making music videos! Check this out:

Josh Beat and Sanna Hartfield- Make me yours

This weeks bassline tune up now!

This weeks acapella is up now!

Sannie flowers continues

First sign yay!!

Its alive...

I going to let the site speak for itself... :