Thursday, August 30, 2012

Which style?


The release "Starve" is on the way now and I am so exited! Been feeling like a propa bossa boss today running my stuff. Amazing feeling!
Lovely Dave has done this cool artwork.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I remember a late night in London couple years ago Ash from "musicislife" called me "network queen"
I wonder if he still thinks I am, would love to keep that title ha ha.
The main point with this post though was to say how much I love twitter,fb  and all the rest of it. It really works and as a modern artist I think you need to be on it to make it!

Follow me now on:
Here of course
My 2 sites
My fb like page
Linked in



Wednesday are one of my recording days so I love Wednesdays. Did a little something something today and it's up now on

Also found this when I was looking through all my projects. Once in time bassline producers made beats for me and sent them. This one is from BassBoy and I found it cool in a way.

Hope you enjoy my vocals!

Neumokid feat. Sanna Hartfield - Tricks

Love this producer!

Neumokid feat. Sanna Hartfield - Tricks

Friday, August 24, 2012

Thank you

Check it out! Wanna thank you all so much and say keep on downloading and I keep uploading!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Its come to that there are not enough hours in a day!
It feels kind of silly.. But I need an assistant asap! So I'm looking for a London based person who wants work experience in administration for an artist. Of course I will want to meet with you first and after that most business will be done over email.

Get in touch now for more info and to apply :


Monday, August 20, 2012

The most..

What is this thing we humans have about wanting to be the best, the most etc?
Sure I want that too so I was thinking... I don't wanna be the biggest woman because I could not dance, I don't wanna be the skinniest because I love food,  its too late to be the youngest performer on X factor, I don't have the biggest collection of anything, not in to extreme sports or extreme sex... So could I be the most average?! Most average measures, eating normal foods, couple hobbies etc.

How would this ever work? How would we measure average? !

Is this an idea from the Swedish part of my brain?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Why I love London

I was in my own little world the other day when I looked up what train to take to get to my class in London. On the train I'm thinking, hang on a minute.. Ha ha mistake done and before I even have time to get anoyed I think, I can go to some shops.
Instead of going straight to Holborn where I need to go I jump off at Tottenham court road and walked down. Wow things happen for a reason!
I happen to stumble across a free exhibition of the artist Mr Brainwash.
I got a free can of paint as I walked in. Walked around and got so inspired to make more arty stuff with what I do. As I walked towards the exit I saw postcards and thought I make my contribution. And that was free too! Got 2 posters and 3 postcards!
Wow I wanna do that when I am rich and famous to give something back!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Olympics

So exited that I've actually been in the middle of it all, feels like a once in a lifetime thing to live in a city where the Olympics is being held. Just been to Hyde Park had a cold one and watched some swimming and football.  Even saw the torch when it passed Redhill!

A bit sad that I have not seen as much as I usually do, yet happy I got a nice dose yesterday.


Hot or not?

Just sitting on the train on my way from watching the Olympics in Hyde Park, amazing! 
Anyway, was thinking about a fashion that is developing at the moment. Jeans shorts so short we all can see your butt cheeks. What is that?!
Even on a fit tanned girl I personally think it belongs in the bedroom.. Just a thought.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


New a bit weird and very personal acapella up now on

Im back baby!

Its taken a while and now its all coming together!
I have fallen in love with feathers, sea shells etc...
Production is up and I am loving it more than ever. My room is a mess and the rack is filling up yay! Started using and my first item is up. "big earrings"
