Saturday, August 18, 2012

Why I love London

I was in my own little world the other day when I looked up what train to take to get to my class in London. On the train I'm thinking, hang on a minute.. Ha ha mistake done and before I even have time to get anoyed I think, I can go to some shops.
Instead of going straight to Holborn where I need to go I jump off at Tottenham court road and walked down. Wow things happen for a reason!
I happen to stumble across a free exhibition of the artist Mr Brainwash.
I got a free can of paint as I walked in. Walked around and got so inspired to make more arty stuff with what I do. As I walked towards the exit I saw postcards and thought I make my contribution. And that was free too! Got 2 posters and 3 postcards!
Wow I wanna do that when I am rich and famous to give something back!

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